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How to Get Prismatic Jelly Stardew Valley

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Prismatic Jelly Stardew In Short

Prismatic jelly is a unique item obtained by defeating prismatic slimes in Stardew Valley’s mines. Once acquired, deliver it to the Wizard to complete the “Prismatic Jelly” special order quest. The reward includes 5,000 gold and a recipe for Monster Musk, which increases monster spawn rates for 10 minutes.

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about prismatic jelly in Stardew Valley, from finding it to completing the associated quest. Let’s dive into the details!

What Is the Prismatic Jelly Stardew Quest?

Prismatic jelly is required for the Wizard’s “Prismatic Jelly Stardew ” quest, one of the special orders introduced in Stardew Valley’s 1.5 update. Special orders are more challenging than regular quests but offer greater rewards.

You can accept this quest from the Special Orders board located outside Mayor Lewis’ house. The board is unlocked after a cutscene on Fall 2 of Year 1.

Special orders refresh every Monday, and you’ll have seven days to complete the quest once you accept it. However, this time limit doesn’t reset, so if you pick up the quest later in the week (e.g., Saturday), you’ll have fewer days to finish it.

Here’s the quest text from the Wizard:

“I require assistance in tracking down the rare and dangerous prismatic slime within the local caves. Bring me a jar of its prismatic jelly, and you will be duly rewarded.” – M. Rasmodius

Where to Find Prismatic Jelly

To complete the quest, you’ll need to track down a prismatic slime in one of these locations:

  • Mines
  • Quarry Mines
  • Skull Cavern

The prismatic slime has a 1.2% chance of spawning as a replacement for any standard slime. Its appearance is influenced by the daily luck stat, so it’s best to hunt for it on a high-luck day.

How to Spot a Prismatic Slime

Prismatic slimes stand out due to their continuously changing rainbow colors, making them easy to identify. Once defeated, they will always drop one prismatic jelly, so you don’t have to worry about RNG beyond finding the slime itself.

Best Strategy for Finding Prismatic Slimes

  • Check the Fortune Teller on TV: Look for days when the spirits are “very happy” to increase your luck.
  • Focus on Early Mine Levels: Start at lower levels (1–20) and progress systematically.
  • Use the Elevator Trick: Explore a few levels, then reset by using the mine elevator. Repeat this process until you find the prismatic slime.
  • Be Prepared for a Tough Fight: Prismatic slimes have higher stats than regular slimes. They boast 1,000 HP and can deal 35 damage per hit. Equip strong weapons, wear defensive gear, and bring plenty of food to restore health.

What to Do with the Prismatic Jelly

After defeating a prismatic slime and obtaining the jelly, head to the Wizard’s Tower in Cindersap Forest. Deliver the item to complete the quest.


  • 5,000 Gold: A substantial payout for your efforts.
  • Monster Musk Recipe: You’ll receive the recipe in the mail the next day. Crafting it requires 30 Slime and 30 Bat Wings.

Monster Musk is a unique item that doubles monster spawn rates for 10 minutes, making it invaluable for farming resources in the Mines, Skull Cavern, and Volcano Mines.

Key Tips and FAQs

What Level Is Best for Finding Prismatic Slime?

Prismatic slimes can spawn on any mine level. However, many players have reported finding them faster on upper levels (1–20). Explore 5–10 levels at a time before resetting to maximize efficiency.

Can You Keep Prismatic Jelly Stardew?

No, prismatic jelly Stardew disappears once the quest is completed or expires.

Can You Sell Prismatic Jelly Stardew?

No, the item cannot be sold. Its sole purpose is to complete the Wizard’s quest.

Final Thoughts

Prismatic jelly Stardew Valley is a one-time item tied to a special quest. Successfully completing the task not only rewards you with gold and a powerful crafting recipe but also gives you a sense of accomplishment. Whether you’re a completionist or just looking for new challenges, the “Prismatic Jelly Stardew” quest is a fun and rewarding experience.

Armed with these tips, you’re now ready to hunt down prismatic slimes and claim your rewards. Happy farming!

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